
Ilsas sissy

 My kids want to ride with me, so I had to made the sissy-bar Ilsaan.

Little project, named ilsas sissy.

Step 1: Planning(thats version one)


Step 2: Welding

step 3:gluing pad and  painting

step 4: bolt on


Ilsa Front summer 2012

Update: Brass-Knuckle, SS and vespa brit club-sticker and Chelsea Fc aluminium logo



 A few days ago my lady asked for a little customize her bike .
I ripped it extras off and put the bar lying around the team a rotating Z-bar.
Z-Bar on your bike, oh yeah.
Guess whether it is no longer closed.

My lady testing

 I and my garage mates luv it ( and laughed ), but Lady says:- Thanks very many,  its different but too much masculine. Please, but the old one back.

Wot ! No Bike ?

As You can see, Im a Almost professonal paint artist.Haaaahahahah
Aniway, I love old British rockers motorcycle culture ( and Mod`s Vespa stuff too).
This painting is a tribute to Rockers.

My ex-cycle. NORTON!!!!


choose your size

Chaos Möngers rear seats are a model: 

-Small ass,Medium ass and Fatso ass

All ass working well , because I have a hard tail.
So ,  make a decision and lets ride. !!!

The band

Back to the season ending party. This is a band called the Rock `n rangers.

they played at a party Brilliant Rock A Billy music in a very a superb attitude.


by the way, At the fatbass playing gentleman is Triuph chopper at homegarage.


Professonal photo 2011

My garage mates sister visited our  place in last summer and end of the season party. She took a  few professonal photographs.
Homo-Sofas Booze trailer, very nice to use. hehehe

Chaos Mönger

Timoheds Triumph get a little engine problems in Swedish Tour.

All Photos by Minna Rossi